Who We Are

After the Corona crisis invaded the world and forced workers in most companies to work from home and the wide use of electronic applications facilitated this, greatly contributing to facilitating the workflow for all companies that were working during the lockdown periods .
We have crystallized the idea of establishing our company (Pro Partners Gate) in 2022 as an international business partner that provides HR (human resources management) to fill all positions that can work remotely at a lower cost due to the currency exchange rate difference between countries, as well as providing the residency tax costs for foreign employees in GCC, which reach in some countries to 4000 US dollars yearly.
Especially after and accordingly with the global inflation crisis in the same year of our company launch, which led everyone to move towards reducing operating costs.
So, we have formulated a team of the best competencies in the field of employment to form a solid database of qualified employees to work remotely in various fields to serve our partners.

Our vision

Providing highly qualified employees to our partners at the lowest costs creates more job opportunities, which will benefit the community. And that is through continuous training and development of our distinguished work team by delivering training courses for them in many fields of their majors, hoping to reach the highest levels of service that satisfy our partners.

Our goals

ــــ Providing a distinguished service to our partners by providing qualified competencies to the labour market with the flexibility to change the nominated candidates during the trial period without any previous restrictions or conditions.

ــــ Providing training courses for a nominal fee for the nominated employees to work within our team

ــــ Covering all Gulf countries as the first stage within a maximum of a (five –year) plan.

ــــEstablishing regional service branches in cities (Dubai – Riyadh) within the next two years.

ــــ Continuous development of our services using the latest scientific methods in the field of employment

Our values and principles

ـــ Credibility with our partners creates an atmosphere of mutual trust and leads to mutual success.

ـــ Perfecting the service to our partners by providing continuous support.

ـــ Full commitment and responsibility towards ensuring that our employees complete all the assigned and required tasks during their working period.

ـــ Full commitment and responsibility towards all contractual clauses between us and our partners.

ـــ Flexibility and promptness when any of our partners wishes to change the employee or assign him to extra tasks after the end of his working hours.